Stay up-to-date with all the exciting SERIALNINE events happening throughout the year! Whether you’re a car enthusiast, drift fan, or just love high-performance vehicles, our events page is your go-to source for the latest on where we’ll be showcasing our innovative car parts and expert builds.

Checkpoint pop up shop 4

Aug, 17, 1525 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam BC Canada

Funky Nights!

What better way to celebrate an awesome summer than with the fourth annual Checkpoint Pop-Up Shop? Cool cars and Cool Vibes, come check out the Vancity car scene!

Cars Attending:
-Gerard JZX110W MarkII Blit Wagon
JZX90 MarkII
GRS181 Crown Athlete
UZS190 GS430

Finalbout 7

Aug 31-Sept 02, USAIR Shawano WI

Final Bout rekindles the excitement of 90s and early 2000s drifting, focusing on grassroots drivers and stronger community connections. Final Bout emphasizes the sport's roots, benefiting the entire drifting community. SERIALNINE will be attending Final Bout 7 to support and engage with this authentic drift culture.

Our team consists of:
-Kevin Petersen JZS171 Crown Athlete V 450hp
-Gerard  de Peralta
JZX100 Cresta 600hp
-Carter Jackson
JZS171 Crown Athlete VX 400hp

send us a message

Date Unknown, Location- Unknown
Do you have any cool events you'd like to see SERIALNINE at?
Drifitng, Shows, Pop Up's, Cars and Coffee's etc send us a message and we'll see if we can make it happen!