Choose from the videos below to help with your installation.

How to Install JZX AK49 Drift Knuckles on your JZX/IS300

We take you through every step of installing our AK49 Drift Knuckles onto your JZX90, 100, 110 and IS300.
Gerard breaks down the entire install process, including prepping your car, cutting the OEM ball joints, lining everything up and torquing the AK49s down. With helpful tips and tricks along the way this video is sure to make your install smooth and efficient.

how to install AK49 drift knuckles on your GS/Aristo

In this instructional video will show you step-by-step how to elevate your steering game. Ready for sharper turns and unparalleled control? Experience the redefinition of JZS steering with SERIALNINE's AK49 Steering Knuckle!

instructional diagrams

Choose the matching diagram below.